The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS)
Charting the Life course is a framework for thinking about the present and the future, for anyone, with or without a disability. It is a structured way of thinking about what is important to a person, where they want to be and what they want to have in their life and how they can there. The tools are useful across the lifespan and across the many life domains.
LifeCourse Nexus: The intersect of ideas, collaboration, and transformation
The Charting the LifeCourse Nexus (LifeCourse Nexus) is a community of learning that brings people together to work towards transformational change within organizations, systems, and communities to support “good lives for all people.”
LifeCourse Toolkit Discover tools for planning, problem-solving, and getting to your good life!
Ohio Employment First Transition Toolkit
Transition to Employment- Agency Navigation and Help– use this resource to better understand the role of the various organizations assisting in the transition process
Transition Vocabulary Crosswalk: A Reference Tool for Families, Youth, and Multi-Agency Teams
The Journey: Resource Sharing Webinar– Spotlighting Tools and Resources for Youth with Complex Needs.