Advocacy + Legal Support-education and financial updated March 2021.
TeenAdultATDBooklet edit_2021 This resource booklet was adapted from the Indiana Resource Center for Autism to include resources for Ohio, specifically Southwest Ohio for teens and adults who have recently received an autism diagnosis. Updated March 2021.
Healthy Relationships and Sexuality Book List & Websites 8.2020 This resource list was developed as part of the RAAC 2019 Training Institute, “The Spectrum of Healthy Relationships and Sexuality Conference.” It was most recently updated in August 2020.
Mental Health Supports for People with Developmental Disabilities in the Cincinnati Area For those who have, or suspect, co-occurring mental health needs, this is a list of providers who have indicated they support people with autism and other disabilities. Updated March 2023.
Interactive Map of Service Providers in the Greater Cincinnati Area for Behavioral Health, Applied Behavioral Analysis Services, and Allied Health (Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Speech Therapy). For directions on how to use this interactive (Zee) map please see ZEE Map Simple Directions for Families
Possibilities for Diverse Abilities wants to build and empower a community that values diversity, belonging, safety, participation, and reciprocity. Our goal is to share the many local supports and opportunities Cincinnati has for individuals and families with diverse abilities. Find recorded sessions on a variety of topics across the lifespan and a wealth of local resources in the virtual catalogues.
Summer Supports resources include a one hour recorded session discussing a variety of options, a Virtual Catalogue of Summer Support Resources and local resources for the Greater Cincinnati area of summer programs being offered in 2021.
Early Childhood: Lessons for Life resources are coming soon. Find out more and join the event on May 20th, 2021.