Thank you for joining us for the 2022 Spring Safety Series!

Recorded Sessions

When Caregivers Are at Their Wits End: Preventing Tragedies of Homicide and Suicide

Professional Session

Family Session (please note the content is very similar to the professional session)

Family Engagement: The Key to Resilience

Preventing Emergencies in the Home: Elopement

Alert & Aware: 30 Seconds is All it Takes


Virtual Catalogue of Safety Resources

Speaker presentations, bios, and contact information are included in this resource catalogue.

*Be sure to check back as this virtual catalogue will be updated as the series continues!

What did you think of this content? Share your feedback in this brief survey. Please respond for each session you viewed. We’d love to know what other safety topics we should consider future RAAC Safety Series!

Thank you for prioritizing safety. Want to join the Safety Initiative? Contact for more information.